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For months, I have been criss-crossing Geauga County to speak with voters about our campaign to defend freedoms, protect paychecks, and defeat dysfunction.

While I’ve had little time to plan festivities, my husband and twins are organizing a February 4 celebration for my 42nd birthday — and I hope to see you there.

We need all RSVPs in by January 24!

The suggested donation to help cover our event costs is $42 for adults. Children can attend for free. And if you have the capacity to give a larger gift…

… $350 would fund one front-page advertisement in a local newspaper.

… $1,000 would fund 200 eye-catching yard signs.

…. $5,000 would fund a direct-mail postcard campaign to voters.

Whatever amount you can give to support our campaign efforts is greatly appreciated!

Will you take a moment right now to RSVP for our February 4 Brakey Birthday Bash celebration?

For Liberty!

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    Your contribution will benefit Better with Brakey.
    Better with Brakey
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