BeyondRoe.com Political Fund
The pro-life movement in America won a historic and long-sought victory in 2022 when the US Supreme Court overturned Roe v Wade in their Dobbs ruling. The Dobbs ruling returned regulation of abortion to the states. Unfortunately, the pro-life movement was not prepared for the political fallout at the state level or for the onslaught of state ballot initiatives that would be mounted by the abortion industry to impose their abortion-on-demand agenda.
Since Dobbs, voters in seven states have considered abortion ballot measures. The pro-life community has lost all seven contests.
In 2024 abortion will be on the ballot in ten additional states. As things stand now, the pro-life community could end 2024 with a ballot measure record of 0-17 against the abortion industry. This would be devastating for the pro-life community at every level, from the White House down through local communities.
It doesn’t have to be this way. Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry can be defeated, but only if state campaigns are properly strategically grounded, messaged and managed.
Please donate today to help us secure victory!