Please join Chairman Sean M. Morrison and the Cook County Republican Party for a fall reception with special guest Joe Pinion Host of "Saturday Agenda" on Newsmax.
Wednesday, October 27, 2021
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Joe's Live
5441 Park Place
Rosemont, IL 6008
Individuals: $125
Couples: $200
Committeemen: $75
Committeemen Couples: $125
Bronze: $500
- Recognition at event
- 1 individual RSVP
Silver: $1,000
- Recognition at event, logo on social media, and table for distributing items
- 2 individual RSVPs
Gold: $2,500
- Recognition at event, logo on social media, email blast, and table to distribute items
- 4 individual RSVPs
Platinum: $5,000
- Recognition at event, logo on social media, email blast, table to distribute items, and speaking opportunity
- 6 individual RSVPs