
The time is now to
Restore American Greatness!

What does that look like? It starts right here in Missouri. It starts when states like Missouri, with conservative majorities and a Republican Governor decide to govern by the people and for the people.

— To push back and say we will not allow “public health experts” to force unconstitutional mandates on our families and our kids.
— To push back and say we will not go along with the out of control, unsustainable spending that is crippling future generations.
— To push back and say we will not sit back while our kids are told they are less than who they are because of the color of their skin.
— To push back and say we will not “defund the police,” but we will, in fact, defend the police.

We’re going to beat the radical left. And we’re NOT going to do it by yelling louder. We’re going to do it by working harder.


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