John Gibbs Great Lakes Committee Notice
John Gibbs Great Lakes Committee is a joint fundraising committee authorized by and formed to benefit the following participants: John Gibbs for Congress and The Great Lakes Leadership PAC (collectively the “Participants”).
Contributions to the John Gibbs Great Lakes Committee will be allocated as follows:
Any contribution from an individual or non-multicandidate PAC received by John Gibbs Great Lakes Committee shall be allocated to each of the Participants as follows: 1) the first two thousand nine hundred dollars ($2,900) to John Gibbs for Congress for the 2022 general election; and 2) any remaining funds to The Great Lakes Leadership PAC. The legal maximum that an individual or non-multicandidate PAC may contribute to John Gibbs Great Lakes Committee is ten thousand eight hundred dollars ($7,900).
Any contribution from a candidate committee received by John Gibbs Great Lakes Committee shall be allocated to each of the Participants as follows: 1) the first two thousand dollars ($2,000) to John Gibbs for Congress for the 2022 general election; and 2) any remaining funds to The Great Lakes Leadership PAC. The legal maximum that an candidate committee may contribute to John Gibbs Great Lakes Committee is nine thousand dollars ($7,000).
Any contribution from a federal multicandidate PAC received by John Gibbs Great Lakes Committee shall be allocated to each of the Participants on a percentage basis as follows: 1) the first five thousand dollars ($5,000) to John Gibbs for Congress for the 2022 general election; and 2) any remaining funds to The Great Lakes Leadership PAC. The legal maximum that a federal multicandidate political action committee may contribute to John Gibbs Great Lakes Committee is fifteen thousand dollars ($10,000).
Any contribution to John Gibbs Great Lakes Committee by any donor which exceeds the contribution limits to any Participant shall be reallocated to the other Participants to the maximum contribution limit possible. Any contribution or portion thereof to John Gibbs Great Lakes Committee which is determined to exceed the contribution limit of that donor to the Participants, as proscribed by 52 U.S.C. § 30116, shall be refunded or returned to the donor.
Notwithstanding the allocation method set forth above, any contributor may designate or earmark his or her contribution for a particular Participant as specified below:
The maximum an individual or a non-multicandidate PAC may contribute is ten thousand eight hundred dollars ($7,900). Couples may contribute twenty one thousand six hundred dollars ($15,800) from a joint account if each spouse so designates the contribution. The maximum a qualified multi-candidate PAC may contribute is fifteen thousand dollars ($10,000). Contributions to John Gibbs Great Lakes Committee are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes. All funds received in response to this solicitation will be used in connection with federal elections and are subject to federal contribution limits and prohibitions. Contributions from corporations, foreign nationals (without “green cards”), and federal contractors are prohibited. Federal law requires us to use our best efforts to collect and report the name, mailing address, occupation, and employer of each individual who contributes more than $200 in an election cycle or calendar year.