
We would like to thank you for participating in, and supporting, this event this year. Yet again, the first weekend of June falls in proximity to April’s birthday and provides an opportunity to hold her 5th Annual Golf Outing at Hickory Grove Golf Course to celebrate. We will be providing cake and refreshments for all guests, volunteers, and golfers. Please consider supporting her again this year for her 46th Birthday Par-tee!

Each year we strive to improve this amazing event. We have new activities, a variety of games, and eclectic foods. This year April will be celebrating her birthday with a BBQ Pork that was raised by the hard working kids involved in the Ashtabula County 4H Junior Fair Market! The Basket Raffle, Putting Contest, Distance Shots, Best Dressed Award, Chili Dogs at the Turn, and a Bloody Mary Breakfast are just a portion of the incredibly fun entertainment we have planned. As you already know, each golfer and volunteer will receive a delicious meal at the celebration. The dinner ticket option is available again this year for those who want to attend and support, but do not want to golf.

With all the festivities that will be taking place, April could use some help on Saturday, June 1st. You do not have to be able to golf to support her. There are a number of ways your generous contribution will help out:

·         Door Prizes (up to $15 value each);

·         Auction Baskets or Items ($25 to $75 value each);

·         Silent Auction items (valued over $75 each);

·         Set-up, paper supplies, and decorations;

·         Clean-up expenses after the event;

·         Prizes for Placement, Pinshots, and Games at holes;

·         Signage for Sponsors and Golfer's instructions;

·         Food, Condiments, and Refreshments;

·         Buying a meal and Auction Tickets;

·         Prizes for the putting contest

We are hoping that this year’s outing will be as successful as years past. Sponsorships are critical to the event’s success. As a sponsor, your Name, or your Company's name, will be prominently displayed at the event to receive appropriate acknowledgement depending on the sponsorship you select.

We invite all sponsors to take advantage of any of these Opportunities for Involvement:

Platinum Sponsor:                                   $500

Gold Sponsor:                                         $250

Hole Sponsor:                                         $100

Dinner Sponsor:                                      $200

Lunch Sponsor:                                       $100

Breakfast Sponsor:                                  $100

Birthday Cake Sponsor:                           $100

Snacks/Refreshments Sponsor:                $50

Tournament Placement Prize Sponsor:

All Four Placement Prizes         $1000

      1st Place:                     $400

      2nd Place:                    $300

      3rd Place:                     $200

      2nd to last Place:          $100

Chinese Auction Sponsor:                          $50

Silent Auction Sponsor:                                     $150

Door Prize Sponsor:                                             $25

Dinner Ticket (each):                                $25


The People for April Fundraising Team

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