
Thank you so much for attending our Lincoln Day Celebration!  

You are the reason this event was such a success!

We enjoyed a full-day event of fellowship, political planning, and idea sharing!

Forum:  How I Flipped a Hispanic Blue County to Red featuring Hidalgo County, TX, Chairwoman Adrienne Peña-Garza. 

Grab-and-Go Lunch in the Atrium

Forum:  Parents Power Hour with Casey and Myke Peterson, Freedom Families United, Sarah Jane Allen, Moms for Liberty, and Rebecca Dow, RPNM CD2 Vice Chair.


  • Leaders Edge | Powerful and Purposeful Communication: The message never changes, but the messaging does.
  • RNC Data Tool Training: Learn how to use Campaign Sidekick and GOP Data Center to WIN elections.
  • Voter Resource Teams: Learn about our Early Vote Plan, how to become a Voter Registration Agent, and how to work at the election polls.

Social Reception

3-Course Plated Dinner featuring Honored Speaker Congressman Wesley Hunt (TX)

Sunday Morning Continental Breakfast & Sermon featuring Dr. James T. Runyon.

If you would prefer to write a check, please contact Kimberly Skaggs at [email protected] or 575-491-3891.

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